How to Create A Family Command Center
Creating a family command center is a great way to keep your family organized and well informed. Organizing your home does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming, especially if you take it one area at a time. I decided my family needed to have a space to help keep us organized. I split custody of my kids with their Dad, so it can be hard keeping track of everything. The kids have soccer, studio crew, drama club and birthday parties to keep track of so I though it was a great idea to have a set space to keep track of this stuff. The Before: Even though I am a decorator and a blogger my house isn't always clean or organized. This area was a landing space for crap I didn't feel like putting away, so I felt like it was wasted space. This was the perfect opportunity to add some function and style to this part of my home. Step 1: find a space in your house to create a family command center. Some tips to get started are: Choose an area of yo...